Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Iranians Outraged over the movie 300....OMFG


This article basically says that Iranians are whining over the movie "300", based on the graphic novel of the same name by Frank Miller (also of Sin City and Dark Knight Returns fame). They claim that it wages war on Iran, insults their history and culture, and shows them in a bad light. For those who don't know, "300" depicts a possible version of the Battle of Thermopylae, which occurred around 480 BC, in which a force of 300 Spartans held off a huge Persian army in a mountain pass for a few days.

Here's what bothers me about all this. First off, why the hell are we getting upset over a Hollywood movie? Because it's not accurate, they claim. Well, no shit Sherlock. Hollywood movies seldom are. Accuracy isn't Hollywood's job, it's entertaining us. If I want historically accurate, I'll read the damn book, where the author can spend more time developing, foreshadowing and showing the connections between events. Anyone who gets their history from a Hollywood production is a dumb ass. Same with anyone who gets their philosophy from the same source (yes, there is a spoon, and if you don't stop spouting off about all this lame ass philosophical crap you got from watching the Matrix, I'm going to show you just how real it is when I stab you with it).

Secondly, the same guy that wrote "300" wrote "Sin City", a massively successful comic to movie adaptation. When "Sin City" made all that money, it was only natural for the Hollywood powers that be to start looking for the next Frank Miller property to turn to celluloid gold. What else is Frank Miller famous for? Hmmm, well, let's see. Oh, there's Dark Knight Returns", which almost single handedly was responsible for reviving interest in the Batman franchise. That's cool, except Warner Bros. has always held the license for Batman since, oh, ages ago. They've got that pretty much wrapped up. There's other stuff, but I'm not going to go in the direction. Instead, let's stay with "300". It has everything a Hollywood blockbuster needs: big battles. You can stop there, because Hollywood did (I haven't as yet seen the movie, so I don't know where exactly Hollywood stopped, but it's a good bet that when they got that far into the comic, they were about busting a nut over it, assuming they looked at any part of the comic beyond the big battle).

Finally, what the hell is up with this trend in movies being all about making people hate another group? I saw the "Passion of the Christ" when it was in theaters, and you know, I didn't come out of there hating the Jews. Jesus Christ was a Jew, did you know that? Seems if you're hating the Jews, you're hating Jesus, as well. I saw "Fahrenheit 451", and trust me, I hated Bush that much before I went in seeing that movie. But to be fair, I hate Michael Moore just as much.

To be honest, if the Iranians are going to be hatin' just because of this movie, shouldn't England be hatin' for just about every movie we've ever made? "The Great Escape" starred Steve McQueen, an American, as the hero with a supporting cast of English actors, this despite the fact that the event portrayed in the movie didn't involve Americans at all (omg, Hollywood was historically inaccurate back then? the nerve!). Then, there are the Star Wars movies, in which the bad guys run around with British accents (except Vader, who ran around with the voice of a black guy). I mean, really, where do we draw the line here?

Seems to me, Iran is just looking for a reason to start a war with the U.S. OK, that's fine, do what you want. But if you're going to start a war, at least do it over something cool. Not some dumb Hollywood movie. Hell, if it helps, I'll take a page from Homer's "Iliad" and come and steal your leaders favorite wife, or whatever. Then you can go to war over love and defending her honor and all that other stuff that was so great for starting wars once upon a time. But if you want to start a war over a movie from studios whose major concern isn't historical accuracy, then I'll be all for turning your country into a super Wal-mart.

(Please note: Sharkboy doesn't hate Iranians, he hates idiots. If you're an idiot and Iranian, then that is purely coincidental).

Monday, March 12, 2007

Of Pills and Preparations.....

About three weeks ago I was moving stuff from my home to the storage shed. I had the music going (Tool, natch), rocking out and just generally getting into a rhythm. As I was doing this, I turned to grab a large box, and instead, hit it just right, so that it bent my wrist horribly. It hurt like hell, but I figured it would be OK and I kept going. Fast forward to today, and it still hurts like hell, so I figure something has to be wrong. I decide to go to the doctor, who gives me a prescription for the pain, tells me to wear a wrist support and to go have x-rays done.

I take the x-rays, but won't know the results quite yet, because the town I live in is behind the times.

My Town: "What's that?"
Company: "It's a machine that allows you to see x-ray results immediately. It's really quite efficient and handy."
My Town: "That's the devil's handiwork, oh foul witch! Grab this foul sorcerer that we may burn him upon the stake!"

Yeah, it's that bad. Actually, it's worse, but I refuse to type how backwards they speak, lest it somehow infect me and I begin to speak the same. Nevertheless, the x-rays were done without a hitch. The problem comes when I head back to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription. When you go in, you know they're going to ask you if you'd like a pharmacist to go over the prescription with you. My ex was (is) a nurse, so I just let her explain it to me, if it was needed. Well, now she's gone but I'll give her a call if I need to. No such luck.

I don't get the option, I have to. I won't bore you with the details, other than to say that it's a pain killer that has nasty side effects. So here's my rant:

Why the hell doesn't the pharmaceutical industry spend some money on developing drugs without harmful side effects? Let me get this straight: I take this pill, and my pain will go away, but I'll be drowsy, have acid indigestion, stomach aches and cramps and diarrhea? Where do I sign up?

Personally, it sounds like a scam. The pill doesn't really do anything for pain, it just gives you a host of other problems which will for sure take your mind off the pain. It's really hard to be worrying about pain when you're worrying about making it to the bathroom in time. Thanks, but if it's a choice between hurting and shitting my pants, a little pain never killed anyone.

And now, for something a little different. I thought about putting this first, but I don't want my blog coming to be known as some idiot's adventure in cooking shit. Still, it's something I'm particularly proud of, so I'll share it.

Last night, I made my first corned beef brisket. It came out melt in your mouth good. It was delectable! I've decided that I think I like cooking, it's the preparation I hate.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

The Chili Project, part 2

OK, the chili is done. The kids apparently liked it, though they drowned it in cheese. The ex-Mrs.Sharkboy and her son liked it. Well, I don't know that he liked it, she said he had some on his hot dog, which is how they had it. And there's something deeply satisfying about that, and I'll tell you why. Thanksgiving 2006, the kids are supposed to be home (we have joint custody, 50/50), but they were over at their mom's for the first part of the day (since she had to work that evening). As they were getting ready, they were asked who was cooking Thanksgiving dinner, and they said "Dad is", to which they got laughter and some rude comments that I forget (I only know about this because it really bothered them and they told me about it). Now, I'm sure that part of that was because they're vindictive, mean spirited jack holes, but part of it isn't.

The one and only time I ever cooked a turkey pre-2006, it was a disaster. I followed what I thought were the directions (plus a phone call to my mother, which at the time was not something I ever cared to do). When it was time to pull it out, it smelled great. It looked great. All nice and golden brown, the way a Thanksgiving turkey should. But when I stuck the fork in, ready to carve a huge slice, it crumbled. Apparently, the golden brown skin was a cruel joke. But, being that it was in Los Angeles at the time, there was no shortage of places to go, so all was not lost. That and subsequent cooking disasters had me swearing off doing anything more than what could be microwaved. Fast forward to Thanksgiving 2006, and the food turned out far better than their moms, a fact they gleefully took pains pointing out. Remember, she's a damn good cook. Topping that was nothing short of awesome.

Since our separation, she has made it known here and there, in indirect ways, that she does not believe me capable of providing healthy meals for my children, much less anything else. So, I'm sure it comes as quite a shock when the kids aren't eating Kid Cuisine and corn dogs all the time. On the contrary, they actually have healthy, home cooked food. They have the other stuff from time to time, mostly when I don't have enough time to cook anything else, or am too tired (something all parents know about, I'm sure). I'm sure it's even more of a shock that I actually cooked it, and not heated it up from a can. Made from scratch, beeyotch!

OK, sorry, I'm a little full of myself in that once again, I have not only proven that I can make it without her (never called her for cooking help once), but that I pull off a marvelous chili recipe (even if the recipe came from a friend). This chili, however, is the first thing of mine she's ever tasted since she left. So now she has confirmation, and if that doesn't shut her up, nothing will.

So yeah, the chili came out really good, and my youngest daughter even took some with her for her lunch tomorrow. Without cheese. So, will I ever make this stuff again. No. That's what I'd like to say. The reality is, yes, I will, but it will probably be when I forget this whole fiasco. Or I get a food chopper that actually chops food instead of pureeing it (what a concept o.o).

The Chili Project, part 1

OK, first off, I'm not much of a cook. I did some cooking when I was younger, then went into the military, after which my cooking skills turned towards screwing up a Thanksgiving turkey and macaroni and cheese turned to soup (and yes, smart ass, I followed the directions). After that, pretty much every woman I was with had some sort of cooking skills that were better than mine, so I was content to let them cook (and no, that wasn't a part of the future-ex-Mrs Sharkboy-job description, it just worked out that way). The reason for letting them do the cooking was not out of some sexist idea that a woman's place is in the kitchen, but out of basic survival (both personal and financial). The latest ex-Mrs. Sharkboy was a damn good cook. I'll miss that.

So, she leaves me to go with Mr-I'd-rather-play-WoW-than-get-a-job, and I'm stuck now having to learn how to cook. Which, really, isn't so bad. When you do the cooking yourself, you have total control over what gets made. So no deep-fried foods (hear that? that's the sound of my arteries hardening just typing this), and no gross stuff like fried clams or liver or other assorted stuff I'm pretty sure we were never meant to eat. So, I'm trying to learn to cook. If I were smart, I'd start small and work my way up to the bigger stuff, but I've never claimed to be smart. "Oh, roast duck with mango salsa, you say? No problem, I'll get right on that". Never mind that I've never had much to do with a duck outside of feeding them bread at a park. Which of course leads me to finding out that cooking shows are full of shit. Those people cook with stuff I'll never have in the kitchen. I'm a guy, which means I improvise. Don't have a hammer? The handle of a screwdriver will work. Need a screwdriver but can't find one? A butter knife! Need to screw that together but lack the screws? Forget about it, duct tape will work. You get the idea.

A friend of mine, however, LOVES to cook. He's always telling me about one thing or another that he's cooking or has cooked. So about a week ago, he tells me about this chili he made. It's almost all I heard about, so eventually, it sinks in: "Hey, I'LL make some chili, that will be a great idea!" Yeah, it ranks up there next to the roast duck. I attempted split pea soup awhile back and while it turned out ok, it wasn't all that great. I know, we're our own worst critics, but I love a good split pea soup, a connoisseur if you will. And trust me, it wasn't that great. But it was edible. So I guess that's something. So, after another bit of talk about how good this chili of his was, I finally break down and ask for the recipe (I'm not so totally stupid as to not have a blueprint I can at least half ass pay attention to). I get it down in Sharkboy-speak, which is to say, I know what it says at the time of writing, but after a good night's sleep, all bets are off. But being the good friend he is, he said he was a phone call away if I needed it. And I did.

So I take the recipe, figure out what I have on hand (which is nothing), and what I'll need to buy at the store (which is everything). I also realize that I don't have all the proper tools, including the pot, thanks to ex-Mrs.Sharkboy. So I'll need to buy that stuff too. Which, I guess, is OK, since I'm sure I'll need it for something else down the line. Get the food stuff at Safeway, the rest at Wal-mart (the latter I hate with a passion). So, here's a few thoughts:

While in Safeway, I see two versions of the same vegetables. One says "Organic" on the labels. What is the difference? Other than price. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't all vegetables "organic"? If "organic" means "without pesticides", why not just label it "pesticide free", or "bugs will eat this version first"? I'm pretty sure it's a scam on all those tofu eating hippy bastards. Good, I'm all for that. "Make love, not war". Let me tell you something, man boils down to this: "fuck it or kill it". If we can't "make love" to it, we will "make war" on it. I think you can figure out what's needed for world peace. Ladies, feel free to contact me if you'd like to start doing your part towards this.

OK, now for Wal-mart. I hate this store, period. And my local one isn't helping things. These smacktards decide to take a store where you can actually find stuff, and remodel it into a store that you can't find shit, not even an employee to help you. I don't think the employees are lazy so much as I think they're lost along with the customers. Going in there is sort of like the show Lost. Only without polar bears. Or crazy hatches. Or hotties. Ok, maybe not so much like Lost. But it is without a doubt the worse cluster fuck since George W. being elected not once, but twice. I buy the stuff I need, including a Hamilton Beach/Proctor Silex Food Chopper. Sounds good, right? Let me tell you, this didn't chop shit. It pureed it. And yes, smart ass, I used the lowest setting.

You see, when I cut food into chunks, I end up cutting it like a crack-addicted, retarded monkey would, no matter how carefully I try. This is why I need a food chopper. So, I read the book, and is says "for onions, green peppers, etc, cut into one inch chunks". One small problem with this: If I've already taken the time to cut it down that small, why bother with the food chopper? Why not just take a few seconds more and cut them to the size you need. The whole idea behind a food chopper is so that I don't have to chop the food by hand. It's like buying a calculator, but in order to get it to work, you have to do the math by hand.

So, right now, the chili is cooking, and I'm hoping against hope that it's edible. Which will be part 2.

Monday, March 5, 2007

My weekend....

was pretty good actually.

Hannie, of Hannie's Musings (see link, side bar), came over after I suggested that we watch The Departed, a movie she didn't see despite it being there at her house at one point, and one that I wanted to see but wasn't sure about (Scorsese...Nicholson...oh yeah!). Ever since Titanic, I've been a bit soured on DiCaprio. I'll say that he's a good actor, but a bit over-exposed. I HATE Titanic with a passion, a 3-hour movie that could have been trimmed to 1 hour 45 minutes and lost none of the story. I could go on, but I'll save it for another blog. Anyway, long story short on this movie: watch it, it's good!

So, she shows up as I'm getting out of the shower (having just finished the second half of a marathon house cleaning session), so the girls meet her first. I hope like hell they don't start grilling her. See, she'll be the first girl I've seen since splitting with the ex, and I really don't need her or any other girl I hang out with getting treated like they are suspects in last nights bank robbery. I tell my oldest daughter not to do such a thing, and she says "Don't worry, Dad, I won't." Apparently, we have differing ideas as to what being "grilled" means. While my oldest is questioning Hannie, my youngest is being rude by staying in her room. When I ask why she didn't introduce herself, she says "You told me not to come out of my room until it was clean", which I did say. However, this would be the first time she actually stayed in her room. If you have kids, you know how it is. Or maybe you don't.

So, after awhile, the kids are off and it's just me and Hannie. Let me tell you a little something about Hannie: she will steal your bandwidth and sleep through your movies. And while this is a true statement, it should also be noted that she was under prescription medication during the visit, so she has an excuse. For the sleeping...just kidding. After the kids left, we went out to a mexican restaurant called Mazatlan. It's the best mexican food in town. Then, we went to the store and then to Starbucks.

A little something about Starbucks. I know I'm from Seattle, and maybe that means I should root for them or something, but I don't. I hate Starbucks. Not just Starbucks, but all coffee places. I always seem to catch some sort of coffee snobbery hell from the people working in these places. How jacked up is it that I catch hell from a girl working her way through community college who's probably never been outside the state, much less to Italy, when I ask for "large" instead of "vente"?

I want a large coffee, is that so much to ask? No, instead, I have to get the damn wording correct. Remember when it used to be "coffee" and "coffee with shit in it"? Now, you can't order "coffee". No, now you have to order a "Cappacino-mochachino-Al Pacino-latte-grande-vente-expresso". Why? And why are these people getting bent out of shape over coffee? Isn't there bigger things that are wrong in the world worth worrying over? But I digress.

So, we go home, her with her peppermint latter and me with a Chai Tea (which is damn tasty, let me tell you), and we start watching movies. Here's the movies:

Clerks 2, The Ringer, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (sounds like a porno, but isn't), Employee of the Month (Dane Cook. YAY! Jessica Simpson and Dax Shephard, ugh! though admittedly, the last two were actually pretty decent), Sin City, and The Departed.

Part way through the Departed, Hannie had to leave due to a storm that was rolling in, but she left saying she had a good time. Although, it's kind of hard to believe your guest had a good time when they're sleeping through most of it. I figure I'll have her over again when she's not medicated, and then see. If she falls asleep then....

Saturday, March 3, 2007

World of Darkness HTML roleplay chatroom

What the hey, I'll throw a plug for the room while I'm here.

I (and some friends) run an HTML roleplaying chatroom called "Shadows of Eden", and you can find it it on www.creative-chat.com, under the "Vampires" section (or, click here to go straight to the front door http://chat.creative-chat.com/eden.html). It's based on White Wolf's tabletop role-playing game, World of Darkness, and it's using the 2.0 system (also known as new World of Darkness, or nWoD), and best of all, it's free!

If you're into vampires and werewolves, and other things that go bump in the night, feel free to stop by some time and check it out. It's beginner friendly, which means that if you've never played WoD, or never roleplayed period, there's plenty of people willing to help you out. Hope to see you around sometime....

My First Official, Non Screwing Around Blog Entry

OK, here it is, my first blog entry in which I'm not screwing around. Although, techincially, this might be considered screwing around since I'm not posting anything more profound. Bleh...

Ok, I'm screwing around. What can I say?

OK, here's something....got a friend coming over this weekend and I decide to clean up. As I clean up, I find a bunch of stuff belonging to the ex. So, I throw it away. You might say, "aww, but SharkBoy, that's wrong". And I'll say "No, what's wrong is your ex leaving you for some jobless loser, who she met in World of Warcraft, who spends most of his time playing World of Warcraft instead of getting a damn job". Fuck it, if she wanted the shit, she'd have taken it with her when she moved out.

You know, there's a joke in there somewhere, but I'm not that damn funny!